Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kids, and Sexting

I'll admit. I'm old, (in my forties) so I see things differently. I have seen the stories, I'm not living in a cave, but OMG.

Last night, I went to the grocery store to get some stuff to make salsa. It was almost 9:00, and the produce guy was in the process of covering all of the stuff.

So he and I were in the aisle, along with 2 young girls. They were giggling, and being typical teenagers.

Except: they were posing with cucumbers and taking pictures with their cell phones. I looked at them and must have looked shocked, cause they went into another aisle.

They came back while I was still picking out tomatoes and stuff, and picked up more cucumbers. So, me being me, walked over to them, took the cucumber and said "I bet your parents would be so proud". I was called a B**** and they laughed at my stupidity and huffed off.

I know it happens. (unfortunately) and I'm not an idiot, but for cryin out loud, BUY the damn things and take them home and do it in the privacy of your own home!!!!

Now, I think I'll only be buying the organic,seedless WRAPPED cucumbers:lol:.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Can I drive you crazy while you shop?

Wow. This will be my first post of hopefully many, MANY more!!

Right now, I'd like to focus on Customer service, and more likely, where did it go? I (like most people) have quite a few stories regarding customer service.

The sad truth is, I am at the point that when I DO get good service, I actually tell them! I am thrilled to be treated with common courtesy. Why is it so rare in 2009? (or 2008,7,6,5,4 etc....) When did it go into hibernation? Will it ever wake up?

I think my background has influenced my Customer Service (how about I call it CS?) expectations. My family was in the retail business for as long as I can remember. I worked for the family, and we were expected to be courteous, and treat people with respect and kindness. Sure, there were a few customers we could not please, and yes, even those that made you cringe when you saw them coming. I even remember my Dad disappearing into a back room when one man walked in. I had never seen him "hide" before. But I had also yet to meet this man. In about 5 minutes, I wanted to go join dad in the back room. LOL

I waited tables prior to working full time with the family. I think to this day, the waitress job was my favorite job. I loved the fact that I got paid based on who I am, and how I treated people, rather than getting a paycheck merely because I "showed up". I'd still wait tables now, in my 40's. It's not easy, but it sure makes you aware of how to behave.

There are also those people in retail that really should get a job where they don't have to deal with the public. You know you KNOW those people. We all do.

One story before I close this, my very FIRST entry. (many more to come I'm sure, as this topic is never-ending)

Within the last year, I went into Walgreens for some feminine products. This was pre-hysterectomy, so things were tough. It seems, the second I enter our local Walgreens, the gal at the Cosmetics counter wants to "help" me. Well, that in itself bugs me, but I of course smile and say "No thank you" or "I'm good, thanks" but she follows me anyway, and pops in periodically to see if she can help me.

I picked up something like shampoo and headed into the aisle. Ladies, you know the one. Tampons, pads, and creams, coming at you from all directions. Silly me, I didn't grab a cart. I have my shampoo in one hand along with the box of industrial sized tampons, what would be a lifetime supply of pads for a normal woman in the other, and here she comes! Little miss perky! I already told her I don't need her help. and she says once again "Can I help you find anything?" (in her most squeaky, perky, irritating voice) and I said again, "No, I'm good". Now, freeze this moment in your mind. Third times a charm.

What she should have done was notice what I had in my hands, and take me gently by the arm, and silently lead me to the chocolate aisle.

What did she do? In her most irritating iwanttoshovetheseproductsinyourears voice, she says "if you're done, I can check you out over in cosmetics!"

Why? Why drive me crazy while I shop for things I'd rather not need? WHY?

Now, I'll gather my thoughts for future posts. Thanks for checking in!!


About Me

I am a mother of 3, and wife to a wonderful man. I create things with glass by melting it in a flame, or in a kiln, or both. You can see a small sampling of my work here: There are links to purchase my work if you like. :)