Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Catching mice in the trap(s)

We're refurbishing an old house. It's been vacant for a "few" years. It has critters.

Let me say first, I DID try the live traps. I got tired of the little guys eating all of my peanut butter and not staying in the things. I think they're cute. But if I have one in my house, I want it in a cage, eating out of a bowl I provide for it, and drinking out of one of those cute little dropper things.

So, I set the old fashioned kind last night. The ones where you lure them with food, and then WHAM! (I feel so mean doing this. They're just wanting the treat)

Anyway, I set 6 of them. When I arrived today, I had 3 adorable little corpses, and 3 traps licked clean. What struck me as odd(and now I don't feel too sorry for them as a species), is the fact that the traps that worked had also been licked clean. Which makes me think their little "friends" crawled all over their dead bodies to eat the peanut butter!!!!

Have they no shame?!!!


About Me

I am a mother of 3, and wife to a wonderful man. I create things with glass by melting it in a flame, or in a kiln, or both. You can see a small sampling of my work here: There are links to purchase my work if you like. :)